Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis. Leonard Bloomfield

Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis - Leonard Bloomfield

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aŋ babáe at pinagkàsunduàn nila na dalhìn nila ŋ magpasyàl aŋ maŋa bátaʾ at kanila ŋ íwan sa daàn. This made the woman grieve and weep. She would not consent to abandon the children. But her husband made it clear to her that, if they did not do this, they would all die of hunger. Finally the woman consented and they agreed that they would take their children for a walk and leave them on the way. Hábaŋ pinagùusápan nilà itò, aŋ ikapitù ŋ bátà ay nása isà 5ŋ bitàk naŋ baŋkò na kanila ŋ inùupàn at nárinig nya ŋ lahàt aŋ gàgawin sa kanilà naŋ kanila ŋ magúlaŋ. Pagkaraàn naŋ kanilà ŋ sàlitáan ay hinánap pagdáka naŋ báta aŋ kanyà ŋ maŋa kapatìd at ibinalítà nya aŋ kanya ŋ nárinìg. Silà ay nagìyákan, sapagkàt hindí ipinaálam sa kanilà naŋ kanila ŋ magúlaŋ na silà 10ay nakabíbigat sa kanila ŋ pamumúhay. Inakálà nila na, kuŋ itò y nàláman nilà, káhit na papáno tùtúloŋ sila ŋ maghánap naŋ kabuháyan. Dátapuwat pinagkàsunduwan nilà na silà y sumáma pag niyáyà sila ŋ magsipagpasyàl at paligàw silà. While they were discussing this, the seventh child was in a crack of the bench on which they were sitting and heard what their parents were going to do to them. After they had finished talking, the child at once looked for his brothers and sisters and told them what he had heard. They all wept, because their parents had not told them that they were a burden to their life. They thought that, if they had known this, they would have done anything whatever to help them gain a living. However, they agreed that they would go along, if they were asked to go walking, and would allow themselves to be led astray. Kinàbukásan hinánap silà naŋ kanilà ŋ amà, pinapagbíhis 15sila, binigyàn sila naŋ maŋa púto, at sinábi ŋ sila y magsísipagpasyàl. Naŋ silà y magumpisà aŋ ikapitò ŋ báta ay hindí kináin aŋ kanya ŋ tinápay, dátapuwat magmulá sa kanila ŋ tàraŋkáhan ay dinúrog nya aŋ tinápay at ibinudbòd nya sa daà ŋ kanila ŋ nilakáran. Naŋ sila y málayú nà ay naubúsan sya naŋ tinápay, 20kanyá naŋhiŋí sya sa kanya ŋ maŋa kapatìd. Dátapwat hindí nila syà binigyàn. Itò namàn ay hindí sinábi sa kanilà kuŋ bákit sya naubúsan agàd naŋ tinápay. Naŋ hindí sya makáhiŋì naŋ tinápay ay namúlot sya naŋ maŋa batò, at itò y sya nyà ŋ isa-isà ŋ inilaglàg sa kanila ŋ pinagdaánan. On the next day their father came to them, told them to get dressed, gave them some cakes, and told them that they should all go for a walk. When they started out, the seventh child did not eat his bread, but, starting at their gate, he crumbled it and scattered it along the road which they were walking. When they had gone some distance, he ran out of bread and asked his brothers and sisters for some. But they did not give him any. He did not tell them why he had run out of bread so soon. When he could get no bread, he picked up stones and these he dropped one by one on their path. 25Naŋ dumatìŋ sila sa isa ŋ gúbat ay iníwan silà naŋ kanilà ŋ magúlaŋ at pinagsabíhan silà na hantayìn sila doòn, at silà y bábalik agàd. Silà y naíwan, dátapwat nàlàláman nilà na hindí sila pagbàbalikàn naŋ kanila ŋ magúlaŋ. When they came to a jungle, their parents left them, telling them to wait for them there and that they would soon come back. Their parents left them, but they knew that their parents would not come back to them. Naŋ makaraàn aŋ ila ŋ sandalìʾ, ay nakárinig silà naŋ isa ŋ 30íŋay. Pinuntahàn nilà aŋ lugàr na pinaŋgàgalíŋan naŋ íŋay. Doòn ay nàkíta nilà aŋ isa ŋ malakì ŋ higànte na nalìlígo sa tabi naŋ isa ŋ balòn. Tiniŋnàn nila aŋ palígid-lígid naŋ lugàr, at sa tabì naŋ isa ŋ káhuy ay nàkíta nilà aŋ pananamìt naŋ higànte. Aŋ ikapitù ŋ bàta ay pinaalìs aŋ kanya ŋ maŋa kapatìd at sinábi 35nya na magtágo silà at kanyà ŋ nànakáwin aŋ sapátos naŋ higànte. Itò ay kanila ŋ ginawàʾ, at ninákaw naŋ báta aŋ sapátos. When a short time had passed, they heard a noise. They went toward the place from which the noise came. There they saw a great giant bathing by the side of a well. They looked round about the place, and by the side of a tree they saw the clothes of the giant. The seventh child sent his brothers and sisters away and told them to hide, and he would steal the giant’s shoes. They did this and the child stole the shoes. Naŋ makapalígoʾ aŋ higànte at siyà y nagbìbíhis ay hindí nya màkíta aŋ kanya ŋ maŋa sapátos. Sya y nagálit at nagmurà. Tumáwag sya naŋ túloŋ. Naŋ itò y márinìg naŋ numákaw naŋ sapátos ay dali-dáli sya ŋ dumalò. Naŋ màkíta sya naŋ higànte ay hindí sya pinagbintaŋàn, sapagkàt dahilàn sa kanya ŋ kaliitàn ay inakálà naŋ higànte ŋ hindí nya madádala aŋ sapátos. When the giant had finished bathing and was getting dressed, he could not find his shoes. He got angry and cursed. He called for help. When the one who had stolen the shoes heard this, he quickly approached. When the giant saw him, he did not suspect him, for, on account of his smallness, the giant thought that he would not be able to carry the shoes. Kanyàʾ itò y nagwíka sa kanyà: “Kuŋ iyo ŋ dàdalhìn ito 5ŋ súpot ko naŋ kwaltà sa áki ŋ asáwa at pabilhìn mo syà naŋ sapátos at ihatìd nya sa ákin, ay ùupáhan kità naŋ marámi ŋ kwàlta.” Therefore the giant said to him: “If you will carry this bag of money of mine to my wife and tell her to buy some shoes and to bring them to me, I shall pay you much money.” Sinábi tulòy nya na sya y hindí nakalàlákad naŋ wala ŋ sapátos, kanyá sya y magmadalìʾ. Naŋ màkúha nya aŋ súpot naŋ 10kwaltà ay ipinaŋákù nya ŋ bábalik syà agàd. Dátapwat, naŋ málayo sya, ay tináwag nya aŋ maŋa nàtàtágù nya ŋ kapatìd, at naŋ sila y maípon ay nagyayá sya ŋ umuwèʾ. Dátapwat isinagòt naŋ kanya ŋ maŋa kapatìd na hindí nila nàlàláman aŋ daà ŋ pauwèʾ. Ŋúnit kanyà ŋ isinagòt na tùtuntunìn nilà aŋ kanya ŋ 15inilaglàg na batò at tinápay sa daàn. He said further that he could not walk without shoes, and therefore he should hurry. Taking the bag of money, the child promised to return at once. However, when he had gone some distance, he called his hidden brothers and sisters, and when they were assembled, he suggested that they go home. But his brothers and sisters answered that they did not know the way home. He however answered that they should follow the stones and bread he had dropped on the way. Sinábi naŋ isà nyà ŋ kapatìd na, kuŋ nàláman nya kuŋ anò aŋ kanya ŋ ginawàʾ sa tinápay, ay binigyàn sána nya syà naŋ syà y maŋhiŋìʾ. Kanilà ŋ ikinaluŋkòt aŋ ipinakíta nila ŋ karamútan sa kanila ŋ kapatìd. One of his brothers said that, if he had known what he had done with the bread, he would have given him some when he asked for it. They were sorry for the stinginess they had shown toward their brother. 20Hindí naláon at nàtagpuan nilà aŋ hiléra naŋ maŋa batò sa daàn. Itò y tinuntòn nila at nakaratìŋ sila sa kanila ŋ báhay, dalà nilà aŋ súpot naŋ kwaltà na kanila ŋ ibinigày pagdáka sa kanila ŋ magúlaŋ. Silà y naŋatwá at naŋaluŋkòt dahilàn sa kanilà ŋ malì ŋ inásal sa maŋa anàk—sila y natwá sapagkàt máy-roon 25sila ŋ ikabùbúhay sa maláo ŋ panahòn. It was not long before they came upon the trail of stones along their way. This they followed and arrived at their house, bringing with them the bag of money, which they at once gave to their parents. The latter rejoiced and were sorry for their bad conduct toward their children—they rejoiced because they had now the means of living for a long time to come.
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Noò ŋ tagáraw naŋ taò ŋ míle-nobisyèntos-dòs, hábaŋ aŋ maŋa hinòg na búŋa naŋ
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