The Delmonico Cook Book. Alessandro Filippini
289. Mortadella, 287.
Lobster à la Newburg, 359.
Larded Sweetbreads, with Sorrel, 604.
Beef-tongue à la Milanaise, 538.
Green Peas, 978.
Roast Ptarmigan, 862.
Chicory Salad, 1045.
Baked Apple Dumplings, 1122.
Coffee, 1349.
Tuesday, July—.
Escalops of Veal, Tomato sauce, 568, 205.
Potatoes à la Rice, 1007.
Rice à la Française, 1180.
Scallops Brestoise, 392.
Lamb Croquettes à l’Italienne, 679, 188.
Hashed Potatoes au Gratin, 1004.
Green-gage Pie, 1093.
Clams, 300.
Crab with Gumbo, 24.
Shad with fine Herbs, 331.
Panpiette of Veal, Purée of Peas, 594, 49.
Stuffed Egg-plant, 909.
Chicken, Sauté with Tarragon, 774.
Celery, with Cream, 929.
Roast Beef, 527.
Escarole Salad, 1055.
Pineapple Water-ice, 1283.
Bitter Almond Macaroons, 1209.
Coffee, 1349.
Wednesday, July—.
Boiled Eggs.
Bass, with White Wine, 342.
Minced Beef à la Portugaise, 501.
Potato Croquettes, 997.
Brioche, 1201.
Mussels à la Marinière, 378.
Brochette of Lamb à la Dumas, 674.
Risotto, 1017.
Huckleberry Tarts, 1113.
Small Rockaway Oysters, 298.
Sorrel, with Asparagus-tops, 41.
Sheep’s-head à la Toulouse, 354.
Broiled Sirloin Steak à la Parisienne, 495.
Stuffed Tomatoes, 1023.
Sweetbreads aux Gourmets, 612.
Asparagus à la Vinaigrette, 905.